Research & Citizen Insight

Back to school

The team presenting to a school class

In May I had the opportunity to visit Notley High School to take part in Essex County Council’s career insight day. Being part of this day was very important to me as I remember being a Year 8 myself and knowing little to nothing about the possibilities of ever working in data or research.

How can we better look after our own wellbeing as researchers?

Over the last year or so our team has carried out research around Covid-19, mental health, financial struggles, women’s safety and domestic abuse among other things. This has involved participants discussing past traumas and difficult periods they have experienced, which can leave us as researchers often dwelling on those conversations long after they have taken place...

Not another webinar?!

I know many of us might be experiencing ‘webinar fatigue’ right now with flurries of invites to attend some webinar/show and tell/budget TedTalk or the like, and we think “am I really interested enough to give up my time for this?” But I wanted to share a bit about how our experience of co-hosting a webinar really paid off!

Demystifying evaluation

Broadly speaking, evaluation is measuring the worth or value of something. This could be a programme of work, policy or service. There is no ‘magic formula’ to evaluation. We all make daily judgements about the worth or value of something; only evaluation requires greater critical thinking and a structured approach.

Ethics in data and research: how does it work in practice?

Many of us will be familiar with the core elements of ethics within data and research, but we need to go one step further and ask ourselves: why are we gathering the data? What purpose will it serve and what impact will it have? To avoid gathering insight in a tokenistic way, we need to be clear about the reasons behind why we are doing it.