Open Data

A year in Open Data

Happy Open Data Day!! OK, I’m early, the big day isn’t until Saturday 5 March  but we wanted you to have time to get your party hats, balloons and cakes all ready for the weekend (if you needed an excuse …

Assessing the strength of communities in Essex

We commissioned Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) to undertake a review of community need and ‘left behind’ areas in Essex. The review sought to help us understand how Essex compares to other areas in terms of its levels of community need, and which factors are more significant than others in contributing to areas having high levels of need.

How hard can it be?

“How hard can it be?” That is my thought process when I come to approaching new challenges. If I’m able to see others excelling at one thing, I know that with enough time and practice I’ll be able to replicate what they can do. So, when I was asked to create a Power BI dashboard to enable ECC to share the residents’ survey data, “how hard can it be?”, came straight into my head.