Essex Open Data needs you!

I am going to let you in on a little secret that is going to change your life. I hope you’re sitting down. You need open data. And, what’s more, open data needs you. Has your life changed yet? Ok, …
I am going to let you in on a little secret that is going to change your life. I hope you’re sitting down. You need open data. And, what’s more, open data needs you. Has your life changed yet? Ok, …
Michele Figg, BSc Geology (Bristol ’98) Listening to the radio a few weeks ago, over a cup of tea (and TBH a biscuit or two), as the government announced measures to alleviate fuel poverty over the winter months, I reflected …
Essex County Council, in collaboration with health partners, has a duty to undertake an assessment of the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the county’s communities on a regular basis. This process is referred to as the Joint …
On 26th June colleagues from Essex County Council, Essex Police, and University of Essex took ecda to the Catalyst Conference. This event reflected on the work of the Catalyst Project, showcasing the progress of the collaborative initiatives and highlighting the future potential for analytics in local government. This is the second instalment of the trilogy… ‘PEOPLE’.
On 26th June colleagues from Essex County Council, Essex Police, and University of Essex took ecda to the Catalyst Conference. This event reflected on the work of the Catalyst Project, showcasing the progress of the collaborative initiatives and highlighting the future potential for analytics in local government.
A picture tells a thousand words......
On 15th March, we attended the Greater London Authority’s Data Surgery for Civil Society organisations at City Hall.
A few weeks back members from the Data & Analytics and Research & Citizen insight team attended their first ever ‘data expedition’ which was hosted in partnership by the Greater London Authority & 360Giving.
Essex Innovates is an exciting project aiming to transform the intelligence workforce across the whole of Essex. The aspiration of Essex Partners is “to make Essex national leaders using the power of data science and artificial intelligence to tackle public policy challenges”.
Data and analytics have just finished a 7 day challenge using agile working approaches to think about new ways of supporting the current conversations around Adult Social Care demand and budgeting and to develop a new tool to facilitate these discussions.